Java For Mobile Apps

Active6 years, 11 months ago

I want to develop java mobile applications.I could not find the best tutorial.Can any one guide me to the best and easiest tutorial.

We wrote this guide to outline the best practices for building out APIs, web services, and databases for mobile apps and mobile clients. In this post, we go in-depth on creating a RESTful API specifically for mobile apps. This information is not only for us at Savvy Apps. Java is one of the most widely discussed, taught, and used programming languages on the planet. It’s used for many different types of programming projects, no matter their scale, from web applications to desktop applications to mobile applications.

Thanks in advance .

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closed as not constructive by S.L. Barth, andrewsi, xdazz, the Tin Man, DCoderOct 7 '12 at 4:48

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

7 Answers



Jigar JoshiJigar Joshi
208k37 gold badges359 silver badges402 bronze badges

You may want to develop Mobile Java Application using Codename ONE a cross-platform Java Mobile development platform.Getting Started : Resources:

The cool thing here is that you will end up writing one code and with a click of a button you can cross compile mobile applications for almost any device.


You could use my answer here in this question:

There I listed a lot of resources for starting developing in Android.

RoflcoptrExceptionJava framework for mobile appsRoflcoptrException
41.1k32 gold badges141 silver badges198 bronze badges

This should give you a starting point Java Mobile ... Tutorial

5672 gold badges7 silver badges14 bronze badges

I think you might be interested in:

  • Java Apps for Android
  • Html5 for smartphones with modern browser served by a Java-based Web Server
  • J2ME

The most fun is Android - you should start with the link from Roflcoptr. If you are interested in covering a lot of devices around the world, go for Html5. If you need native device capability like geo location, investigate some time into Phonegap. IMHO, J2ME isn't very sexy for developers, but it is used by Blackberry and Nokia and a lot of existing devices are running these mobile OS.

8,8301 gold badge18 silver badges21 bronze badges

Java Mobile Apps Whatsapp

You may dive in to Android Development.

1732 gold badges5 silver badges16 bronze badges

To learn programming on java for android you can try to use StartJava

Java Mobile Apps Jar


Java For Mobile Development

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