Cocomo Model In Software Engineering

The Constructive CostModel (COCOMO) is an algorithmic software cost estimation model developed byBarry Boehm. The model uses a basic regression formula, with parameters thatare derived from historical project data and current project characteristics.

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  2. Cocomo (Constructive Cost Model) is a regression model based on LOC, i.e number of Lines of Code.It is a procedural cost estimate model for software projects and often used as a process of reliably predicting the various parameters associated with making a project such as size, effort, cost, time and quality.

COCOMO II includes the application composition model (for early prototyping efforts) and the more detailed Early Design and Post- Architecture models (for subsequent portions of the life cycle).10 2. Objective of Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II The most fundamental calculation in the COCOMO II model is. COCOMO Model – Constructive Cost Model complete tutorial - Software Engineering Hindi Urdu - Duration: 25:27. Software Engineering 9,781 views. Mar 11, 2019  Software Engineering COCOMO II Model COCOMO-II is the revised version of the original Cocomo (Constructive Cost Model) and is developed at University of Southern California. It is the model that allows one to estimate the cost, effort and schedule when planning a new software.

COCOMO was first publishedin 1981 Barry W. Boehm's Book Software engineering economics[1] as a model forestimating effort, cost, and schedule for software projects. It drew on a studyof 63 projects at TRW Aerospace where Barry Boehm was Director of SoftwareResearch and Technology in 1981. The study examined projects ranging in sizefrom 2,000 to 100,000 lines of code, and programming languages ranging fromassembly to PL/I. These projects were based on the waterfall model of softwaredevelopment which was the prevalent software development process in 1981.


References to this modeltypically call it COCOMO 81. In 1997 COCOMO II was developed and finallypublished in 2000 in the book Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II[2].COCOMO II is the successor of COCOMO 81 and is better suited for estimatingmodern software development projects. It provides more support for modernsoftware development processes and an updated project database. The need forthe new model came as software development technology moved from mainframe andovernight batch processing to desktop development, code reusability and the useof off-the-shelf software components. This article refers to COCOMO 81.

COCOMO consists of ahierarchy of three increasingly detailed and accurate forms. The first level,Basic COCOMO is good for quick, early, rough order of magnitude estimates ofsoftware costs, but its accuracy is limited due to its lack of factors toaccount for difference in project attributes (Cost Drivers). IntermediateCOCOMO takes these Cost Drivers into account and Detailed COCOMO additionallyaccounts for the influence of individual project phases.

The Constructive CostModel (COCOMO) is an algorithmic software cost estimation model developed byBarry Boehm. The model uses a basic regression formula, with parameters thatare derived from historical project data and current project characteristics.

Cocomo Model In Software Engineering

COCOMO was first publishedin 1981 Barry W. Boehm's Book Software engineering economics[1] as a model forestimating effort, cost, and schedule for software projects. It drew on a studyof 63 projects at TRW Aerospace where Barry Boehm was Director of SoftwareResearch and Technology in 1981. The study examined projects ranging in sizefrom 2,000 to 100,000 lines of code, and programming languages ranging fromassembly to PL/I. These projects were based on the waterfall model of softwaredevelopment which was the prevalent software development process in 1981.


References to this modeltypically call it COCOMO 81. In 1997 COCOMO II was developed and finallypublished in 2000 in the book Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II[2].COCOMO II is the successor of COCOMO 81 and is better suited for estimatingmodern software development projects. It provides more support for modernsoftware development processes and an updated project database. The need forthe new model came as software development technology moved from mainframe andovernight batch processing to desktop development, code reusability and the useof off-the-shelf software components. This article refers to COCOMO 81.

COCOMO consists of ahierarchy of three increasingly detailed and accurate forms. The first level,Basic COCOMO is good for quick, early, rough order of magnitude estimates ofsoftware costs, but its accuracy is limited due to its lack of factors toaccount for difference in project attributes (Cost Drivers). IntermediateCOCOMO takes these Cost Drivers into account and Detailed COCOMO additionallyaccounts for the influence of individual project phases.Basic COCOMO computessoftware development effort (and cost) as a function of program size. Program sizeis expressed in estimated thousands of lines of code (KLOC).

COCOMO applies to threeclasses of software projects:

* Organic projects - 'small'teams with 'good' experience working with 'less than rigid'requirements

* Semi-detached projects - 'medium'teams with mixed experience working with a mix of rigid and less than rigidrequirements

* Embedded projects - developed within aset of 'tight' constraints (hardware, software, operational, ...)

The basic COCOMO equationstake the form

Effort Applied = ab(KLOC)bb [ man-months ]

Development Time = cb(Effort Applied)db[months]

People required = Effort Applied /Development Time [count]

The coefficients ab, bb,cb and db are given in the following table.

Software project ab bb cb db

Organic 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38

Semi-detached 3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35

Embedded 3.6 1.20 2.5 0.32

Basic COCOMO is good forquick estimate of software costs. However it does not account for differencesin hardware constraints, personnel quality and experience, use of modern toolsand techniques, and so on.

Intermediate COCOMOcomputes software development effort as function of program size and a set of'cost drivers' that include subjective assessment of product,hardware, personnel and project attributes. This extension considers a set offour 'cost drivers',each with a number of subsidiary attributes:-

Cocomo Model In Software Engineering Wikipedia

* Product attributes

Required software reliability

Size of application database

Complexity of the product

* Hardware attributes

Run-time performance constraints

Memory constraints

Volatility of the virtual machineenvironment

Required turnabout time

Cocomo Model In Software Engineering Ques10

* Personnel attributes

Analyst capability

Software engineering capability

Applications experience

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Virtual machine experience

Programming language experience


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* Project attributes

Use of software tools

Cocomo 2 Model In Software Engineering

Application of software engineering methods

Required development schedule

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What Is Cocomo Model In Software Engineering