Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Game Characters

PLAY AS OR PLAY WITH YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS – Team-up with up to 3 of your friends as SCOTT, RAMONA, STEPHEN and KIM or as one surprise character, each with their own signature moves and attacks. RELIVE SCOTT PILGRIM’S ADVENTURES IN AWESOME 8-BIT – 8-BIT animations by the world-famous Pixel Artist PAUL ROBERTSON. Xbox 360 - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet!

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game Fabric Wall Scroll Poster (16'x21') 3.0 out of 5 stars 1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Original Score Composed by Nigel Godrich) (Original Score Composed by Nigel Godrich). Response must be less that 100,000 characters Thank you for your feedback. Character page for Scott Pilgrim vs. For the characters as they appear in the Scott Pilgrim comic books, see here. Main Characters Scott Pilgrim.

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Character page for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

For the characters as they appear in the Scott Pilgrim comic books, see here.

Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim

Played By:Michael Cera

A 22-year-old Canadian who falls in love with Ramona Flowers. He is the bass guitarist of the band Sex Bob-omb as well as a hyper-competent martial artist of some unknown, yet effective anime-style fighting technique.

  • Adorkable: Especially when he's trying to impress Ramona.
  • Back from the Dead: He was killed by Gideon when he was stabbed with a sword, but an extra life saved him.
  • Berserk Button:
    • He gets pretty pissed off when Todd punches Knives.
    • He doesn't get angry, but if somebody comments on his hair, he immediately gets self-conscious and puts on a hat.
  • Bond One-Liner: In a stark contrast with the comic books, Scott gets some genuinely badass one-liners. Take, for example, his fight with Lucas Lee, after defeating his stunt doubles:
  • Big Brother Instinct: A breif moment when we don't see Scott thinking of only himself, is when he thought Julie did something to Stacy. Ultimately, leading to this interaction between the two:
    Scott: What did you do with my sister?
  • Butt-Monkey: He deserves it, though.
  • Evil Counterpart: Subverted with Nega-Scott. Nega-Scott looks like a ghostly apparition of Scott with red eyes, but turns out to be very friendly.
  • Family Theme Naming: Stacey and Scott Pilgrim.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Given the way the movie compresses events and relationships from the comic, Scott's companions make their various issues with him known almost immediately to show the audience what a drag he is to their lives. Most notably, Wallace (who was Scott's closest pal in the graphic novels) seems to barely like him, hoping to definitively kick him out of their apartment one way or another.
  • Guile Hero: He uses his wits to defeat Lucas (by making him take a skateboard challenge that ends up killing him) and Todd (by making him break Vegan law).
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Stabbed by Gideon in the Chaos Theatre.
  • Jerkass: Lampshaded by Kim, and Julie on seperate occasions:
    Scott: Thanks.
    Scott:[oblivious] Thanks.
    • This is his interaction with Julie:
    Julie: Yeah we get you're a total lady-killer wannabe jerky-jerk.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He starts the film off with a selfish It's All About Me attitude, but then becomes more self-aware as the film goes on.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Especially when he's fighting with Todd, and Gideon.
  • Never My Fault: Constantly blames the other people around him for his problems.
  • One Steve Limit: With Wallace's boyfriend Other Scott.
  • Took a Level in Badass: As the film goes on.
  • With Friends Like These...: With pretty much everyone. Mostly Wallace and Kim.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: He's incredibly reluctant to fight Roxie, even though she's kicking his ass.
  • Your Cheating Heart: Starts dating Ramona without telling Knives, meaning he cheated on them both.
Scott pilgrim vs the world game characters names
Ramona Flowers

Ramona Flowers

Played By:Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Scott's new girlfriend with a troubled past. She moved to Toronto to get away from it all. Or so she thought.

  • Action Girl: She fights Roxy evenly, and probably would have won singlehandedly had she not been informed that Scott has to be the one to fight. Even then, she literally guides Scott by the hand in fighting her off.
  • Bi the Way: She was a little 'bi-curious.'
  • Dark and Troubled Past: What she tries to escape by moving to Toronto.
  • Deadpan Snarker: It's kind of a necessity, given that she's dating Scott.
  • Drop the Hammer: She summons a hammer to fight against Roxie.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Knives actually likes her before becoming her Unknown Rival. Also, she was with Roxie Ritcher when she was 'bi-curious.'
  • Goth: Not as extreme as some examples, but she does dress in a very punk style, with dyed hair, military style clothing, and boots.
  • Grumpy Bear: She's kind of bitter and gloomy, but given her past, it's not entirely unwarranted.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She used to be a nasty person when she was younger, but changed when she got older.
  • Jerkass: When she was younger.
  • Really Gets Around: Lampshaded by Kim and Young Neil.
    Young Neil: At the same time?
  • Statuesque Stunner: The tallest woman in the cast and is desired by several men and women within the story.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: And pink and green.
    Ramona Flowers: I change my hair color every week and a half, dude. Get used to it.'

Knives Chau

Played By:Ellen Wong

Scott's girlfriend until he dumps her for Ramona.

  • Action Girl: Knives is able to fight on par with Gideon by the end of the movie.
  • Adaptational Badass: She's a much better fighter being capable of fighting Ramona where in the comic their fight ended quickly with her as the loser.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: While her personality is roughly the same in the movie as it is in the comic, her relationship with Scott is portrayed as being much more genuine. The comics make no attempt at shying away from the fact that Scott only dated her 'because it was easy' and didn't have any intention of getting serious with her, while the movie shows the two as having similar interests and generally enjoying each other's company.
  • Adorkable: In the movie, she's just as much a nerd as Scott.
  • Break the Cutie: After breaking up with Scott.
  • Catholic Schoolgirls Rule: When Stacey confronts Scott in the movie about the fact he's dating a highschool student, he states it's a Catholic school 'with the uniform and everything'.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She still refers to Scott as 'her boyfriend' when she fights Ramona, even though Scott dumped her. She also briefly goes out with Young Neil to try and make Scott jealous.
  • Cute But Psycho: At first, Scott and Knives hit it off... until he starts developing an interest in Ramona, and then she starts fighting Ramona.
  • The Determinator: The original version of the film highlighted the fact that in a world full of aloof and disaffected young men and women, Knives' intense affection for Scott was a laudable trait.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: In the film she attacked Ramona at the Chaos Theater for breaking Scott's heart. Then told Scott to go after Ramona when everything was said and done.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Scott points out at the end that she shouldn't blame Ramona because he cheated on her on his own volition.
  • Promoted to Love Interest: To Scott in the film, where she's portrayed as a serious love interest instead of a joke like in the comics.
    • There's even an ending where Scott basically says 'Goodbye' as usual... to Ramona! First Girl Wins!
  • Took a Level in Badass: She even helps out Scott in the final battle, more so than Ramona does.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Towards Ramona during the second half of the movie after Scott breaks up with her.
  • Unknown Rival: Considers Ramona her arch enemy after her breakup with Scott. Ramona doesn't know...or care.
  • Yoko Oh No: Her presence at Sex Bob-Omb's session is frowned upon, especially by Scott's ex Kim Pine, who is disgusted by the 23 year-old Scott dating 17 year-old Knives.

Wallace Wells

Played By: Kieran Culkin

Scott's gay best friend.

  • All Gays Are Promiscuous: Has a boyfriend, Other Scott, then he goes after Jimmy. Neither Jimmy or Other Scott have a problem with it.
  • Alliterative Name: Name and surname starts with W.
  • Deadpan Snarker: 'Scott. Evil Ex. Fight.'
  • Hypocritical Humor: He tells Scott not to cheat on his girlfriend, despite the fact that he himself is cheating on his own boyfriend.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He cares about Scott despite putting him down all the time. Also, he tells Scott to break up with Knives so that he can stop cheating on her.
  • Stalker with a Crush: He plans to stalk Lucas Lee.
  • Straight Gay: You wouldn't know he's gay if Scott didn't mention it.

Stephen Stills

The singer of the band.

  • Alliterative Name: Name and surname starts with S.
  • Supporting Leader: He's the leader of Sex Bob-omb.
Kim Pine

Kimberly 'Kim' Pine

Played By:Alison Pill

The drummer of the band. Scott used to date her in high school until he dumped her. She hates him.

  • Adaptational Jerkass: In the comics, while still a bit frosty, Kim was nonetheless a close friend to Scott and more amicable with him. Here, she seems to be harbor a much deeper grudge which doesn't go away until he finally apologizes for it.
  • Amicable Exes: Used to date Scott in high school. Although she has resentment towards him throughout the film until he apologizes.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Easily the snarkiest character in the film, Allison Pill's performance seems to have been influenced in no small part by Tracy Grandstaff.
  • Death Glare: Her default expression seems to be a state of constant anger at everything, especially when it involves Scott.
  • Demoted to Extra: Compared to her more involved role in the books (mostly because her backstory has been moved to the [adult swim]Animated Adaptation).
  • Dull Surprise: Constantly speaks in a monotone.
  • Fiery Redhead: Averted.
  • Grumpy Bear: She's constantly in a bad mood. Even when she's happy her smile is just the corner of her mouth moving slightly.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Snarky though she may be, she is a very good friend to Scott, using a combination of patience and Brutal Honesty to help him come to terms with his own flaws.
  • Pet the Dog: When she spots Ramona in the crowd at the final Battle of the Bands (after her and Scott's falling out following the Roxie fight), we get a brief glimpse of her version of this.
    Kim: Scott, not that I care, but you should go talk to her before she's gone.
    Kim: And I really don't care.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's the only female member of the band.
  • When She Smiles: It earns Scott extra points when he apologizes to her.
Young Neil

Young Neil

  • Tagalong Kid: Hence the 'Young' name.
Stacey Pilgrim

Stacey Pilgrim

Played By:Anna Kendrick

Scott's younger sister who keeps telling him off for the stupid things he's doing. Can you blame her?

  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Is quite distant towards her brother.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Can be this to Scott sometimes.
  • Cool Big Sis: Inverted. She is four years younger than Scott, but acts much more mature than him.
  • Family Theme Naming: Stacie and Scott Pligrim.
  • Gossipy Hens: She sends out a mass text about every new social update.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Sometimes her kindness toward Scott is overshadowed by her own kooky nature and lack of interaction with her sibling, but still there. While Stacey constantly reprimands Scott everytime he did anything stupid blatantly, near the end of the movie, when Scott is heartbroken and alone, she comes to him, sweetly comforts him and gives him advice to move on.
  • Only Sane Woman: She’s the one who properly reacts if something weird happens, notably Matthew Patel’s Dynamic Entry and his out-of-nowhere Bollywood number.

Julie Powers

Stephen Stills' on-again, off-again girlfriend who hates Scott with a passion and is rude to pretty much everyone. Except Envy.

  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: At least towards Scott, she's dark-haired and very aloof, even swearing at him.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Rather subverted in one scene in the movie where Julie's expletives were bleeped out while her mouth was covered by a black censor box. Scott asks how she did that.
    'Never $@*!&#^ mind how I'm doing it!!'
  • Deadpan Snarker: Very little she says isn't voiced with a harsh, sarcastic drawl.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: A rare female example towards Envy. Not because she has any feelings for her, but because she wants to be on Envy's good side now that she's famous. In other words, she's a platonic Gold Digger.
  • Jerkass: As stated above, she's rude to almost everybody.
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: She's like this to Envy because she hates Scott so much.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: A censor box appears over her mouth when she swears.
  • Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: She's intially introduced working at a record store (something that is never shown in the original comics), and later shown working at the Second Cup (something that is canon in the comics).

Natalie 'Envy' Adams

Played By:Brie Larson

Scott's cruel ex-girlfriend who dumped him for Todd Ingram.

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: She's a redhead in the books and the video game, but a blonde in the movie.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: While Envy seems to get her act together after Todd is defeated, Envy is portrayed as much cold towards Scott. Probably justified, given her limited time to interact with him. See Demoted to Extra below.
  • Between My Legs: During the concert.
  • The Cast Showoff: Brie Larson actually sang that song that Clash At Demonhead performs (and the actual song on the soundtrack). Prior to being an actor, she was a pop singer, and it shows.
  • The Coats Are Off: Does this in her concerts.
  • Demoted to Extra: Gets quite a bit cut out in the film, since her fight with Ramona is cut and is compacted into Ramona's fight with Roxy Richter. She is completely absent in the climax and her role is merged with Ramona's.
  • Do Not Call Me 'Paul': She doesn't get angry exactly, but she's taken aback when Scott calls her Natalie. She later seems to seriously consider Scott's advice of going back to her original name.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Knives likes her a little too much.
  • Ironic Echo: She uses Julie's signature swear censor on her.
    Julie: For the record, I am super pissed off for you.
    Envy: Shut the @&%$ up, Julie.
  • Face–Heel Turn: She used to be a really nice girl, but changed when fame got to her head.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Her concert performance is just Male Gaze after the other.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Much has been made of the sex-on-a-stick voice Brie Larson uses in portraying Envy. She drops it for only one line: right after Scott calls her 'Natalie'. (Well, two lines, counting Julie's interjection.)
  • Precision F-Strike: 'Shut the BLEEP up, Julie.'
  • She's Got Legs: In her concert performance there's a lot of focus to her legs.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: Justified as she is a rock star.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Lampshaded by Scott during his fight with Todd.
  • Woman in White: With her coat.
Matthew Patel

Matthew Patel

'MISSSTER PILGRIM! It is I, Matthew Patel! Consider our fight BEGUN!'

An over-the-top Indian guy.

  • Card-Carrying Villain: Loudly announces himself as 'Ramona's first evil ex-boyfriend'.
  • Incoming Ham: In the movie, he very suddenly busts through a wall shouting 'MIS-TER PIL-GRIIIIM!' This is the very first time we see an Evil Ex.
  • Leitmotif: Bollywood tunes play when Ramona talks about how she met Matthew, and it's also a buildup for his Villain Song.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: His hairstyle.
  • Starter Villain: He is the first and easiest to beat of Ramona's exes.
  • Villain Song: 'Slick' in the movie, more or less taken out of his scene in the graphic novel with the Space Channel 5 elements replaced with a Bollywood number.
Lucas Lee

Lucas Lee

I'm an A-lister, brah!

A skateboarder turned movie star.

  • Action Hero: Every single action hero cliche from his one-liners to the movies he stars in are all wrapped up in a neat package.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: He is the League's Token Good Teammate in the source material. Here, he's pretty much an asshole like the rest of them, as Chris Evans plays him as a hilariously douchey ham, though he also engages in a bit of small talk with Ramona and remarks that Scott 'seems nice'.
  • Alliterative Name: Name and surname starts with L.
  • Flunky Boss: His doubles all join him in his fight against Scott.
  • Friendly Enemy: To Scott. He has a short but friendly conversation with Ramona, and comments that Scott seems like a nice guy.
  • Large Ham: Chris Evans was clearly having a blast.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite his Jerkass demeanor towards Scott, he looks after the well-being of all his doubles.
  • Wolf Pack Boss: In the movie, he's content to let his stunt doubles beat Scott to a pulp instead of doing it himself.
Todd Ingram

Todd Ingram

'Sounds like someone wants to get... fungy!'

Envy's boyfriend, guitarist of the band and Vegan Psychic. He is incredibly thick.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Overlapping with Adaptational Dumbass. While he's the one who punches the highlights out of Knives' hair for annoying Envy (due to original culprit Lynette Guycott being Demoted to Extra), most of his more dickish moments in the comic were either cut or just due to stupidity rather than ego. Most notably, the comic had him think he can get away with eating gelato and Chicken Parmesanbecause he's a rock star, while the movie has him apparently mistake them as vegan food.
    Todd Ingram: '...Chicken isn't vegan?'
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: The original color images from the comic and the video game have him with brown hair, while in the movie he's a bleached blonde.
  • Cold Ham: While not as outlandish as Chris Evans, Brandon Routh is clearly also having a blast with the role and does it in a more 'subdued' manner.
  • Duel Boss: Despite their respective bands being with them, he and Scott settle the score one-on-one.
  • Dumb Muscle: More apparent the more he speaks, and the subtitles hang a lampshade on it.
    Todd Ingram: I don't know the meaning of the word.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Apparently, being vegan gave him powers.
  • Granola Guy: Lampshaded and Played for Laughs.
  • Kick the Dog: In the movie, Todd's punching of Knives is definitely this, if not a outright crossing of the Moral Event Horizon.
  • Tennis Boss: His battle with Scott involves them deflecting each other's electric guitar sound waves.
  • Would Hit a Girl
    Todd Ingram: What? I'm not afraid to hit a girl. I'm a rock star.

Roxanne 'Roxie' Richter

'Back off, hasbian! If Gideon can't have you, no one can!'

A psychotic girl Ramona was 'bi-curious' with.

  • Action Girl: The only female one of Ramona's Evil Exes and every bit as dangerous as her male counterparts. In fact, she's possibly the most-openly psychotic of all of them.
  • Alliterative Name: Name and surname starts with R.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: The back of her knees in the movie. In the comics, this was Envy's weak point.
  • Butch Lesbian: Downplayed. You wouldn't know she's a lesbian if she didn't say so herself. That being said, she's pretty much a tomboy.
  • Character Exaggeration: The movie plays up the Psycho Lesbian aspect of her character, making her openly hostile to both Scott and Ramona, whereas in the comic she's quite friendly with Ramona, even when she's trying to kill Scott.
  • Composite Character: In the film, Envy's fight with Ramona is adapted out and is instead given to Roxie. This is a left over side-effect of the original plan to have Envy take her place in the film.
  • Demoted to Extra: She gets quite a bit cut out in the film; she almost got a complete axing when Edgar Wright considered putting Envy into her role as Ramona's 4th ex.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Roxie's defeat is anything but subtle in the movie; she even grits out 'You'll never... be able... to do this to her!' and moans in ecstasy before she explodes.
    • The way Roxie's coins fell on Ramona is rather... lewd.
  • Exposed to the Elements: In the movie her outfits are pretty light and exposing for winter. Averted in the comic as the issues she's in are during a heat wave.
  • Facial Markings: She has black eyeshadow that extends to her cheeks.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: She's very short-tempered.
  • Hurricane of Puns: She hurls several plays on words as she attacks Ramona and Scott, like 'bi-furious' after Ramona's 'bi-curious', 'hasbien' (has been + lesbian), 'every Pilgrim reaches the end of his journey' and 'Your BF's about to get F-din the B!'.
  • In the Hood: She initially attacks Scott while wearing a hoodie that obscures her identity and gender.
  • Insistent Terminology: She is the reason Ramona always corrects Scott when he refers to the League of Evil Ex-Boyfriends instead of Exes.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: She is never once referred to as 'Roxanne' in the film.
  • Psycho Lesbian: She's a little 'bi-furious'.
  • Skippable Boss: Unknowingly, Scott was able to postpone their confrontation.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The only female among Ramona's exes.
  • Teleport Spam: She teleports away a few times in the movie.
  • Whip It Good: She wields a bladed whip that's almost akin to a Whip Sword (it retracts into a belt rather than a blade).
  • Woman Scorned: Her reaction to Ramona brushing off their relationship as being 'bi-curious' says it all.
The Katayanagi Twins

Ken and Kyle Katayanagi

Played By: Keita Saitou (Kyle) and Shota Saitou (Ken)

A set of Japanese twins and electronic musicians.

  • Alliterative Name: Both their names and surname starts with K.
  • Demoted to Extra: They are almost cut out of the film entirely, as they have zero lines (their actors don't speak English), zero backstory, and probably the least screen-time of any of the exes, only seemingly being in the movie because they are exes number 5 and 6 respectively.
  • Dual Boss: They are fought together by Scott and his band.
  • Oh, Crap!: When they see their music dragons about to fall on them.
  • Sibling Team: Obviously.
  • Summon Magic: During the duel with Scott and his band, their music is able to produce a dragon.
  • The Voiceless: They have no lines in the film (losing their backstory and personalities entirely in the process) because their actors didn't speak English, whereas in the comic book, they have a lot of lines. So the whole robot theme from the book is replaced with 'amp to amp battle' where their holographic twin dragons fight against Sex Bob-omb's holographic giant ogre. It helps that the amp battle was based on the original draft of Volume 5 that the filmmakers were given.

Gideon Gordon Graves

'Do you know how long it took to get all the evil ex's contact information so I can form this stupid league? Like two hours! TWO HOURS!!!'

A music producer and the leader of the League of Evil Exes.

  • Adaptation Personality Change: In the comic he's a pretty stoic guy with Scary Shiny Glasses, while here he's depicted as smarmy and Faux Affably Evil; Though it's a bit of a subversion since he's still the same possessive, immature creep trying to ruin Ramona's love life.
  • Alliterative Name: His first, middle and last name each start with G.
  • Big Bad: He is the film's main antagonist and Final Boss.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: He's briefly mentioned near the beginning of the movie, but it's not until later he becomes really important.
  • Final Boss: Being the Big Bad of the story, he's the very last of Ramona's ex-boyfriends that Scott must defeat.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: He wears glasses and has basically no redeeming qualities.
  • Large Ham: Oh dear...
    Graves: You made me swallow my gum! It'll be in my digestive tract for SEVEN YEARS!!!
  • Manipulative Bastard: It turns out that Gideon is manipulating Ramona through a microchip, robbing her of any resistance to him.
  • Marathon Boss: He's so hard to beat that Scott needed a Reset Button to defeat him.
  • One-Man Army: He can hold his own even against multiple opponents, and during the Final Battle at that.
  • Smug Snake: He's a manipulative, arrogant, and all-around unlikeable person. While unlike most examples of this trope he seemed to be more effective in his deeds, he ends up being the ex with the least dignified end in the film.
  • Sword Cane: His classyWeapon of Choice.
  • Villainous Breakdown: When Knives and Scott beat him he goes on an angry rant.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He punches Ramona down a flight of stairs after she knees him in the groin, with the announcer deducting points from him for doing so.

Michael Comeau

  • Lampshade Hanging: Scott runs past him and overhears him talking about how 'the comic book was much better than the movie'.
Tamera Chen

Tamera Chen

  • The Lancer: To Knives.
  • Only Sane Woman: Can you imagine her having to put up with Knives?
Lynette Guycott

Lynette Guycott

The drummer of The Clash at Demonhead. She largely remains silent and expressionless.

  • Demoted to Extra: She has a huge role in the book, but she does nothing in the film, with her punching the highlights out of Knives' hair being given to Todd.
  • Emotionless Girl: She never really shows any emotion.
  • Opaque Lenses: While it was subtly implied in the comics that they're just Scary Shiny Glasses, they're outright reflective lenses in the movie.
  • The Voiceless: Just like the Katayanagi twins, Lynette's character is practically excised from the film in order to focus on the Scott-Ramona-Todd-Envy Love Dodecahedron. She's there in the background, but she gets no lines and her defining moment in the comic (punching the highlights out of Knives' hair) is transfered over to Todd just to up his already sky-high douchebag factor. Once the actual fighting starts she's never seen again.
  • Funny Background Event: Can be for some comic readers. During the fight between Scott and Todd, if one looks carefully, you can notice her successfully blending/fading into the background like an awesome ninja. It's just what she wanted to do in the comics!
Spoiler Character


  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite his appearance, Scott realizes that he is actually a really nice guy. So nice in fact, that him and Scott quickly realizes that they don't actually have a beef with each other, and they instead become friends.
  • Demoted to Extra: Gets the axe from playing a pivotal role in the books to being reduced to a mere punchline in the movie.
  • Foreshadowing: Originally Nega-Scott showed up several times in the movie, such as appearing briefly behind Scott in a bathroom mirror to foreshadow his appearance at the ending. However, all these scenes were cut from the film, although you can still see them on the DVD.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: In the film version, Nega-Scott comes out of nowhere. Then again...
  • Post-Final Boss: Appears after the Big Bad is defeated, with an ominous entrance to boot. Scott easily and peacefully deals with him by becoming his friend.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Originally The Voiceless in the comics, he can be heard chatting it up with Scott during his scene in the film.
  • True Final Boss: Subverted. He shows up right after Gideon is defeated, but he never actually battles Scott, as the two resolves their differences simply by talking it out, and they both realize that they rather like each other and agree to be friends.



Directed by

Edgar Wright

Writing Credits(WGA)

Michael Bacall... (screenplay) &
Edgar Wright... (screenplay)
Bryan Lee O'Malley... (Oni Press graphic novels)

Cast (in credits order) complete, awaiting verification

Michael Cera ... Scott Pilgrim
Kieran Culkin ... Wallace Wells
Anna Kendrick ... Stacey Pilgrim
Alison Pill ... Kim Pine
Aubrey Plaza ... Julie Powers
Mary Elizabeth Winstead ... Ramona Flowers
Jason Schwartzman ... Gideon Graves
Johnny Simmons ... Young Neil
Mark Webber ... Stephen Stills
Ellen Wong ... Knives Chau
Satya Bhabha ... Matthew Patel
Will Bowes ... Party Goer (as Will Seatle Bowes)
Celine Lepage ... Party Goer
Keita Saitou ... Kyle Katayanagi (as Keita Saito)
Mark Leroy ... Party Goer (as Mark LeRoy)
Kjartan Hewitt ... Jimmy
Ben Lewis ... Other Scott
Nelson Franklin ... Comeau
Kristina Pesic ... Sandra
Matt Watts ... Promoter
Ingrid Haas ... Monique
Maurie W. Kaufmann ... Joel
Marley Otto ... Party Goer (as Marlee Otto)
Christine Watson ... Demon Hipster Chick
Chris Evans ... Lucas Lee
Chantelle Chung ... Tamara Chen
Don McKellar ... Director
Jung-Yul Kim ... Goon (as Jung Yul Kim)
Erik Knudsen ... Crash
Brie Larson ... Envy Adams
Abigail Chu ... Trasha
Mae Whitman ... Roxy Richter
Tennessee Thomas ... Lynette Guycott
Brandon Routh ... Todd Ingram
Emily Kassie ... Winifred Hailey
Shôta Saitô ... Ken Katayanagi (as Shota Saito)
Michael Lazarovitch ... Some Guy
John Patrick Amedori ... Lollipop Hipster
Joe Dinicol ... Elevator Hipster
Craig Stickland ... Elevator Hipster
Bill Hader ... The Voice (voice)
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Alice Alexander ... Lucas Lee's Filmset Crew (uncredited)
Ryan Allen ... Bouncer (uncredited)
Alejandro Chavez ... Old Man (uncredited)
Clifton Collins Jr. ... Vegan Police (uncredited)
Walter Gasparovic ... First Assistant Director (uncredited)
Thomas Jane ... Vegan Police (uncredited)
Reuben Langdon ... Lucas Lee's Stunt Team Leader (uncredited)
Hope Larson ... Lee's Palace Bar Patron (uncredited)
Chuck Little ... Roadie (uncredited)
Jessica Martins ... Girlfriend #1 (uncredited)
Tara Mason ... Party Goer (uncredited)
Jeff Moffitt ... Bouncer (uncredited)
Alexander Narizni ... Clubber (uncredited)
Bryan Lee O'Malley ... Lee's Palace Bar Patron (uncredited)
Jim Reischl ... Film Tech Casa Loma (uncredited)
Sydney Van Delft ... Party Girl (uncredited)
Joe Vercillo ... Bartender (uncredited)
Joshua William James ... Lee's Palace Bar Patron (uncredited)

Produced by

J. Miles Dale... executive producer
Eric Gitter... producer
Lisa Gitter... co-producer
Jared LeBoff... executive producer
Joe Nozemack... co-producer
Nira Park... producer
Marc Platt... producer
Steven V. Scavelli... co-producer
Adam Siegel... executive producer
Ronaldo Vasconcellos... executive producer
Edgar Wright... producer

Music by

Nigel Godrich

Cinematography by

Bill Pope... director of photography

Film Editing by

Jonathan Amos
Paul Machliss

Casting By

Robin D. Cook
Jennifer Euston
Allison Jones

Production Design by

Marcus Rowland

Art Direction by

Nigel Churcher

Set Decoration by

Odetta Stoddard

Costume Design by

Laura Jean Shannon

Makeup Department

Teresa Buccione... second assistant hair stylist
Kyle Glencross... prosthetic makeup artist
Iantha Goldberg... assistant makeup artist
Patricia Keighran... key makeup artist
Mandy Ketcheson... contact lens technician
Patricia Medina... assistant hair stylist
Jennifer Bower O'Halloran... key hair designer (as Jennifer O'Halloran)
Colin Penman... assistant makeup artist
Jordan Samuel... key makeup designer
Sean Sansom... prosthetic makeup artist
Stacey Butterworth... wig maker (uncredited)
Jason Detheridge... makeup effects technician (uncredited)

Production Management

Dennis Chapman... unit production manager
J. Miles Dale... unit production manager
Arthur Redding... production assistant
Michael Solinger... post-production supervisor
Claire Welland... unit production manager: additional photography (uncredited)

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director

Bradley James Allan... second unit director (as Brad Allan)
Adam Bocknek... third assistant director
Jack Boem... second assistant director
Penny Charter... first assistant director: second unit
Walter Gasparovic... first assistant director
Jeff Muhsoldt... third assistant director
Patrick Murphy... third assistant director
Gerrod Shully... second assistant director (additional photography)
Sebastian Aguirre... daily assistant director (uncredited)
Divya D'Souza... trainee assistant director (uncredited)
Jonathan Gajewski... daily assistant director (uncredited)
Justin Gajewski... daily assistant director (uncredited)
Dave Sauro... daily assistant director (uncredited)

Art Department

Darleen Abbott... construction accountant
David Ballantine... set dresser
David Best... graphic designer
Deryck Blake... property master
Rob Bonney... head carpenter
Theresa Buckley... props buyer
Cain... set dresser
Ken Clark... set dresser
Brian Cranstone... on-set carpenter
Carly Davenport... art department production assistant
Chris Deeley... set dresser
Ron Dickie... set dresser
Britt Doughty... second assistant art director
Alice Dupré... graphics coordinator (as Alice Dupre)
Miro Dziwik... head painter
David Evans... on-set dresser: second unit
Kevin Forstner... assistant head carpenter
Brad Francis... assistant head painter
David G. Fremlin... first assistant art director (as David Fremlin)
J. Ryan Halpenny... second assistant art director
James Halpenny... construction coordinator
Suzanne Hodson... set decoration buyer
Kevin Hughes... assistant head carpenter
Matthew Lammerich... key scenic artist
Eugene Lau... art department production assistant
Erin Leslie... head scenic artist
Dave Mackenzie... set fabricator
Rob McCallum... additional storyboard artist
Charles McGlynn... property master: second unit
Don McQueen... set dresser
Jeffrey A. Melvin... lead set dresser
Steve Middlebrook... on-set dresser
Lucy Newman... graphic designer
Sona Pak... graphic coordinator
Marlene Rain... set decoration buyer
Dawn Rivard... art department coordinator
John 'Butch' Rose... set dresser (as John Rose)
Ken Samaroo... on-set painter (as Kenneth Samaroo)
Damien Segee... set dresser
Robert Shipman... on-set dresser
Dominic Sikking... graphic coordinator
Keith Sly... leadman
Robert S. Smith... carpenter
Jeff Travaglini... head laborer
Toni Wong... assistant property master
Oscar Wright... conceptual designer / head storyboard artist
Kimberley Zaharko... assistant art director
Tamara Andrews... scenic painter (uncredited)
Cameron S. Brooke... breakaway specialist (uncredited)
Robert C. Brooke... breakaway specialist (uncredited)
Danelle Davenport... storyboard artist (uncredited)
Taku Dazai... specialty props (uncredited)
Michael R. Edmund... specialty props (uncredited)
Dave Gibbons... Oni Press logo designer (uncredited)
Walter Klassen... specialty props (uncredited)
Sanford Kong... set illustrator (uncredited)
Kimberley Pope... concept artist (uncredited)

Sound Department

James Boyle... sound designer
Chris Burdon... re-recording mixer
Peter Burgis... foley artist (as Pete Burgis)
Pat Cassin... boom operator
Greg Chapman... sound mixer
Ed Colyer... foley mixer (as Ed Collier)
Doug Cooper... re-recording mixer
Glen Gathard... foley mixer
Peter Gleaves... adr mixer
Arthur Graley... foley editor
James Harrison... sound effects editor
Zach Hunter... sound assistant
Gerard Loret... assistant sound editor
Richard Lovell... sound mix assistant
Travis MacKay... adr mixer
Ben Meechan... sound effects editor
Zak Melemendjian... dialogue editor (as Peter Melemendjian)
Dan Morgan... supervising adr & dialogue editor
Chris Navarro... adr mixer
Matthias Neumann... dubbing recordist
Jordan O'Neill... datasat sound mastering engineer
Jeremy Price... additional sound effects editor
Julian Slater... supervising sound editor
Jason Swanscott... foley artist
Dafydd Archard... sound mix technician (uncredited)
Wade Barnett... adr recordist (uncredited)
Antony Bayman... sound mix technician (uncredited)
Jeff Dalmaine... re-recording engineer (uncredited)
Nick Del-Molino... mix assistant (uncredited)
Henry Dobson... dubbing supervisor (international versions) (uncredited)
Dan Green... dialogue editor (uncredited)
John 'Wheels' Hurlbut... on set Pro Tools operator (uncredited)
Joe Maher... re-recording engineer (uncredited)
Matthew McKenzie... adr mixer (uncredited)
Colin McLellan... adr recordist (uncredited)
Markus Moll... sound mix technician (uncredited)
James Shannon... dolby sound consultant (uncredited)
Andy Stallabrass... adr recordist (uncredited)
Philip Young... adr recordist (uncredited)

Special Effects by

Jason Board... key special effects rigging
Chris Card... special effects technician
Gustavo Fernandes... effects painter
Daniel Gibson... special effects technician
Gary Kleinsteuber... special effects technician
Arthur Langevin... special effects supervisor
Brad Larkin... first assistant special effects
Drew Longland... special effects technician
Jim McGillivary... special effects technician
Laird McMurray... special effects coordinator
Sam Mujkanovic... special effects master fabricator
Marcus Rait... on-set key special effects
Jim Reischl... special effects technician
David Neil Trifunovich... special effects on-set technician (as Neil Trifunovich)
Stephen Wallace... special effects technician
Ray Comiso... special effects technician (uncredited)
Aaron Dinsmore... special effects technician (uncredited)
Mike Kavanagh... special effects snow foreman (uncredited)
Cameron Patterson... special effects technician (uncredited)
David Reaume... special effects technician (uncredited)

Visual Effects by

Keith Acheson... visual effects artist
Kevin Adams... camera matchmover: Double Negative / matchmove supervisor
Joel Aguilar... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Michael James Allen... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Michael Allen)
Terence Alvares... 2d artist: Double Negative
Edward Andrews... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Greg Astles... senior digital compositor: Mr. X Inc
Oliver Atherton... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Mandy Au... digital compositor: Mr. X Inc.
Sergio Ayrosa... 2d artist: Double Negative
Fiorenza Bagnariol... digital film bureau
Keziah Bailey... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Richard Bain... visual effects
Daniel Baldwin... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Luke Ballard... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Adam Barnett... technical support
Judy Barr... 2d artist: Double Negative
Jo Ann Belen... 2d artist: Double Negative
Jo Ann Cordero Belen... compositor: double negative
Jennifer C. Bell... visual effects executive: Universal
Michael Bell... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Stephen Bennett... 2D sequence lead: Double Negative
Barb Benoit... digital compositor: Mr. X Inc.
Dennis Berardi... visual effects supervisor: Mr. X Inc.
Howard Berry... visual effects editor: Double Negative
Luke Bigley... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Rosman Binmohamed... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Kristy Blackwell... senior matte painter: Mr. X Inc.
Pierre Bonnette... visual effects
Mathew Borrett... digital matte painter: Mr. X Inc.
Mark Bortolotto... digital effects artist / paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Joseph Boyle... visual effects editor: uk
James Braid... technology: Double Negative
Richard Brazier... 3d artist: Double Negative
Xavier Breuil... 3d artist: Double Negative
Andrew Brooks... roto artist: Mr. X Inc.
Lester Brown... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Robert Brumby... body matchmover: Double Negative
Bruce Buckley... visual effects rigger: Double Negative
Patrick Michael Burke... 3d artist: Double Negative (as Patrick Burke)
Richard Burnside... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Andrew Cadey... 3d artist: Double Negative / visual effects technical director
Wilson Cameron... assistant visual effects producer: Mr. X Inc.
Zac Campbell... digital compositor: Mr. X Inc. (as Zacary Campbell)
Dan Carnegie... camera tracking: Mr. X Inc.
James Carson... matchmover
Kris Carson... digital compositor: Mr. X, Inc
Steve Casa... 3d scan technician
Kamelia Chabane... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Saptarshi Chakraborty... 2d artist: Double Negative
Bimla Chall... 2d artist: Double Negative
Eric K. Chan... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Eric Chan)
Vincent Chang... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Janson Chew... matchmove artist
Yanshang Chew... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Kai Hsin Chin... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Kai Chin)
Julian Chong... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Dan Churchill... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Frazer Churchill... visual effects supervisor
Kirsty Clark... 2d artist: Double Negative
Simone Coco... digital compositor
Kathryn Cole... assistant visual effects editor (as Kathryn Morey)
Debra Coleman... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Debbi Coleman)
Richard Collis... 2d artist: Double Negative
Ian Copeland... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Barry Corcoran... digital compositor
Marc Cote... motion control
Dayne Cowan... On Set Supervisor: Double Negative
Christopher Cram... visual effects executive: Universal
Ciaran Crowley... 2d artist: Double Negative
Roberto D'Ippolito... digital compositor
Alistair Darby... 3d artist: Double Negative
Francesca Dare... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Markus Daum... visual effects rigger: Double Negative
Samual Dawes... paint/roto artist: Double Negative (as Sam Dawes)
Graham Day... 2d artist: Double Negative
Chris De Souza... animator
Robert Deas... 3d artist: Double Negative
Max Decroix... 3d artist: Double Negative
Dimitri Delacovias... digital matte painter: Double Negative
Joe Dennis... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Michael DiCarlo... dailies operator: Mr. X Inc.
Ben Dick... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Yoav Dolev... roto/paint artist: Double Negative
Anand Dorairaj... digital compositor: Mr. X Inc.
Miles Drake... data manager: Double Negative
Markus Drayss... 3d lead: Double Negative
Seth Dubieniec... 3d artist: Double Negative
Maxime Ducharme... senior matchmover
Paul Ducker... 3d artist: Double Negative
Favian Ee... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Yasmine El-Ghamrawy... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Yasmine El Ghamrawy)
Tosh Elliott... modeler: Double Negative
Charlie H. Ellis... paint/roto artist: Double Negative (as Charlie Ellis)
Jenni Eynon... 3d artist: Double Negative
Muhammed Faizal... paint/roto artist: Double Negative (as Mohamed Faizal)
Pedro Fernandes Santos... matchmove artist: Double Negative (as Pedro Santos)
Antonella Ferrari... visual effects line producer: Double Negative
Dominique Fiore... 2d artist: Double Negative
David Fix... senior systems administrator: Mr. X Inc.
Jay Fleming... camera matchmover: Double Negative / matchmove artist: Double Negative
Naomi Foakes... visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
James Foster... 2d artist: Double Negative
Julien Fourvel... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Federico Frassinelli... 3d lead: Double Negative
David Fuhrer... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Shaun Galinak... visual effects animator: Mr. X Inc.
Philippe Gaulier... concept artist: Double Negative
Nikhil Ghoorbin... scanning and recording technician
Maurizio Giglioli... visual effects rigger: Double Negative
Walter Gilbert... 2d artist: Double Negative
Matt Glover... visual effects coordinator: Mr. X Inc.
Michelle Goh... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Ana Gomes... paint/rotoscope artist: Double Negative
Alexis Hall... 3d lead: Double Negative
Piers Hampton... visual effects producer: The Bluff Hampton Company
Sam Hanover... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Pete Hanson... data manager: Double Negative
Will Hardwick... visual effects artist
Noel Harmes... digital compositor
Mick Harper... 3d lead: Double Negative
Neil Harrison... digital intermediate systems administrator
Chris Hart... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Leann Harvey... on-set visual effects coordinator: Mr. X Inc.
Haji Hassan... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Keith Herft... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Martin Hesselink... visual effects artist
Sean Heuston... digital compositor
Jeremy Hey... 2d artist: Double Negative
Ben Hicks... 2d artist: Double Negative
Tom Hocking... 2d artist: Double Negative
Eddee Huang... roto artist: Mr.X Inc.
Laura Ingram... 2d artist: Double Negative
Alex Ireland... 2d artist: Double Negative
Wm Michael Irwin... technical director: motion capture
Matthew Jacques... 2d artist: Double Negative
Christopher Jaques... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Colleen Jenkinson... visual effects resource manager: Mr. X Inc.
Lorraine Johnson... film scanning supervisor
Timothy P. Jones... digital film bureau
Pete Jopling... 2d supervisor: Double Negagtive (as Peter Jopling)
Anna Joukova... digital compositor: Mr. X Inc. / lead animatics artist: Mr. X Inc.
Megumi Kanazawa... digital compositor: Mr. X Inc.
Rafal Kaniewski... 2d artist: Double Negative
Rob Kennedy... roto/paint artist
Richard Ketteridge... visual effects editor
Lucy Killick... visual effects producer
Yuko Kimoto... roto/paint artist: Double Negative
Jeff Koh... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Marcin Kolendo... 2d artist: Double Negative
Jayzica Kong... paint/roto artist: Double Negative (as Jessica Kong)
Duncan Boon Kwang Kuah... body matchmover: Double Negative (as Duncan Kuah)
Markus Kuha... compositor: BlueBolt
Mike Kwan... digital compositor
Eric Lacroix... visual effects animator: Mr. X Inc.
Paul Ladd... senior visual effects coordinator: Universal
Serena Lam... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Terence Lam... matchmove artist
Sam Lane... assistant visual effects editor: Double Negative (as Samwise Lane)
Eugenie Lau... visual effects assistant
Daniel Leatherdale... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Cosmas Lee... visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
Key Hyung Lee... 3d artst: Double Negative (as Key Lee)
Mai-Ling Lee... digital artist
Skeel Lee... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Soon Ngee Chris Lee... 2d artist: Double Negative / compositor
Zhihong Leo... body matchmover: Double Negative
Francis Leong... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Jean-François Leroux... roto/prep artist: Double Negative
Luke Letkey... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
May Leung... 3d artist: Double Negative
Darryl Li... visual effects line producer: Double Negative (as Darryl Lee)
Jackson Li... digital artist
Sky Lim... 2D Artist: Double Negative
Young Lim... 2d artist: Double Negative
William Lin Jiahui... camera matchmover: Double Negative (as William Lin)
Pierson Lippard... 3d artist: Double Negative
Sarah Lockwood... 2d artist: Double Negative
Pascal Loef... 3d lead: Double Negative
Kim Lim Loo... digital artist: Double Negative (as Kimlin Loo)
Leah Low... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Megan Lu... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Thomas Luff... digital compositor: Double Negative (as Tom Luff)
Renaud Madeline... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Raj Mahendran... technical support
Yousaf Main... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Howard Margolius... visual effects technical director: Double Negative
Jan Maroske... 2d artist: Double Negative
Nick Marshall... roto/paint artist: Double Negative
Mark Masson... visual effects rigger: Double Negative
Ken McCuen... digital matte painter: Mr. X Inc.
Tracey McLean... digital matte painter: Mr. X Inc.
Sarah McMurdo... visual effects producer: Mr. X Inc.
James McPherson... digital compositor
Naveen Medaram... 2d artist: Double Negative
Barrett Meeker... digital effects artist
Gurel Mehmet... concept artist: Double Negative
Jennifer Giovanna Meire... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Jennifer Meire)
Joel Meire... animator: Double Negative
Thomas Middleton... paint/roto artist: Double Negative (as Tom Middleton)
Ellen E. Miki... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Ellen Miki)
Neil Miller... digital matte painter: Double Negative
Tim Miller... creative supervisor: Blur Studio
Milos Milosevic... 2D sequence lead: Double Negative
Daniel Mizuguchi... tracking supervisor
Effandi Mohamed... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Alberto Montañés... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Alberto Montanes) / visual effects: Double Negative
Steven Moore... modeler: Double Negative
Immanuel Morris... stereoscopic artist
Benjamin Mossman... dailies operator: Mr. X Inc. (as Ben Mossman)
Stuart Nelhams... visual effects editor: Double Negative
Shi Hua Ng... body matchmover: Double Negative (as Shihua Ng)
Stella Hui Sze Ng... camera matchmover: Double Negative (as Stella Ng)
Dan Nicholson... body matchmover: Double Negative (as Daniel Nicholson)
Kelly Noordermeer... dailies operator: Mr. X Inc.
Kevin Norris... roto/paint artist: Double Negative
John O'Lone... 2d artist: Double Negative (as John Olone)
Choonjuan Ong... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Jonathan Opgenhaffen... digital matte painter: Double Negative
John Palmer... digital film bureau manager
Hojin Park... digital compositor
Adam Paschke... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative Singapore
Tilman Paulin... 2d artist: Double Negative
Daniel Paulsson... 3d artist: Double Negative
Enrik Pavdeja... digital paint artist: Double Negative
Mark Payne... 2d artist: Double Negative
Emily Pearce... visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
Cheewei Peh... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Jonathan Perez... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Nizhen Phang... body matchmover: Double Negative
Nes Pinsuwan... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Andrea Pirisi... digital colorist: Double Negative
Nick Pitt-Owen... 3d lead: Double Negative
Fred Place... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Siobhan Platten... software development: Double Negative
Matthew W.B. Plummer... digital compositor: BlueBolt
Dennis Pontanares... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Kate Porter... 2d artist: Double Negative / 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Rupert Porter... visual effects producer: Double Negative
Andy Potter... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Sebastien Proulx... digital compositor
Ed Pulis... body matchmover: Double Negative
John Purdie... 2d artist: Double Negative
Sonny Pye... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Simon Pynn... body matchmover: Double Negative
Vikas Rajput... digital artist
Matt Ralph... on-set matchmover: Mr. X Inc
Chua Raymond... camera matchmover: Double Negative (as Raymond Chua)
Richard R. Reed... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Richard Reed)
Dan Rice... cg supervisor: Blur Studio
Wesley Roberts... 2d artist: Double Negative / visual effects artist: Double Negative
Sophie Robinson... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Fanny Roche... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Austin Ronald... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Linda Rose... visual effects accountant: Mr. X Inc.
Tara Roseblade... roto/paint artist: Double Negative
Justyn Roy... programmer
Tay Chee We Roy... digital compositor
Timothy Russell... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Olivier Ryard... digital compositor: Double Negative - London
Lucy Salter... 3d lead: Double Negative
Olov Samuelsson... 2d artist: Double Negative
Carlo Scaduto... 2d artist: Double Negative
Matt Schofield... senior matte painter: Mr. X Inc. (as Matthew Schofield)
Sam Schwier... matchmove lead
Paul Scott... 2d artist: Double Negative
Shaun Scott... lighting technical director: Double Negative
Robert Seaton... camera matchmover: Double Negative (as Rob Seaton)
Aurora Shannon... digital intermediate assistant
Rob Shears... visual effects line producer: Double Negative
Al Shier... visual effects executive producer: Blur Studio
Tim Shim... camera matchmover: Double Negative (as Timothy Shim)
Shynola... titles director
Andrew Simmonds... digital compositor
Ian Simpson... 2d artist: Double Negative
Jacob Slutsky... 3d artist: Double Negative
Phil Smith... paint/roto artist: Double Negative (as Philip Smith)
Gavin Soares... on-set matchmover: Mr. X Inc.
Jim Steel... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Claire Stewart... visual effects coordinator
Paul Venn Stirling... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Paul Stirling)
Tamara Stone... compositing supervisor: Mr. X Inc.
Mary Stroumpouli... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Aline Sudbrack... 3d artist: Double Negative / effects technical director: Double Negative
Alex John Tan... camera matchmover: Double Negative (as Alex Tan)
Jeffery Tan... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Jeffrey Tan... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Raymond Tan... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Chris Tay... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Roy Tay... 2d artist: Double Negative
Ben Taylor... 2d artist: Double Negative
Corrine Teo... paint/roto artist: Double Negative
Chris Thomas... 3d lead: Double Negative
Steve Tizzard... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative (as Steven Tizzard)
Eldred Tjie... digital effects artist
James Tomlinson... 3d artist: Double Negative
Shahin Toosi... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative
Peter Toufidis... digital matte painter: Mr. X Inc.
Jamie Tracey... visual effects production assistant
Eric Tsui... matchmove artist: double negative
Joerg Unterberg... 3d artist: Double Negative (as jörg Unterberg)
Nick van Diem... technical support: Double Negative
Peter Vickery... 2d artist: Double Negative
Helga Victoria... camera matchmove artist: Double Negative (as Helga Yeo)
Stephen Wagner... visual effects animator: Mr. X Inc.
Mengdi Wang... camera matchmove artist: Double Negative
Aaron Weintraub... visual effects supervisor: Mr. X Inc.
Sean Whelan... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Andrew Whitehurst... 3d supervisor: Double Negative
Tammy Willbourne... 2d artist: Double Negative (as Tammy Smith)
Chantelle Williams... 3d lead: Double Negative
Kim Wiseman... 2d artist: Double Negative
Ryan John Woodward... camera matchmover: Double Negative (as Ryan Woodward)
Maureen Yeo... visual effects coordinator: Double Negative
Xiong Ying... camera matchmover: Double Negative
Kyle Yoneda... FX Lead / visual effects animator: Mr. X Inc.
Trevor Young... 2d artist: Double Negative
Gwen Zhang... digital compositor: Mr. X Inc.
Cleve Yilun Zhu... 2d sequence lead: Double Negative (as Cleve Zhu)
Joseph Boyle... visual effects editor (uncredited)
Michael Gaiser... visual effects (uncredited)
Enoch Ihde... character technical director (uncredited)
Adam Jhani-Stephens... vfx runner (uncredited)
Taz Lodder... technical support: Double Negative (uncredited)
Matthew Pellar... visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
Jesse Tunison... additional colorist (uncredited)
Kat Tysoe... studio: double negative (uncredited)


Bradley James Allan... stunt coordinator (as Brad Allan)
Jeffery Aro... stunts (as Jeff Ong)
Taryn Ash... stunts
Dan Belley... stunt rigger
Brad Bennett... stunts
Marco Bianco... stunt rigger
Hubert Boorder... stunt rigger
Jason Burnett... stunts
Andrew Butcher... stunts
Jonny Caines... stunts (as Johnny Caines)
Michael Chan... stunts
Will Chapman... stunts
Rhye Copeman... stunts
Dean Copkov... stunts
Christopher Cordell... stunts (as Chris Cordell)
Neil Davison... stunts
Joe Eigo... stunts
Anthony Ferri... stunt double: Chris Evans / stunt double: Michael Cera / stunts
Tig Fong... stunt rigger
Carl Fortin... stunts
Plato Fountidakis... stunt rigger
Mark Ginther... stunt rigger
Simon Girard... stunt rigger
Guanhua Han... assistant fight coordinator (as Guan-Hua Han)
Joel Harris... stunt performer / stunt rigger
Ming Jian Huang... stunts
Brayden Jones... stunts
Riley Jones... lead stunt double
Amanda Jovanoski... stunts
Christine Kwon... stunts
Diana Mee-Yeon Kwon... stunts
Dennis Lafond... stunts
Reuben Langdon... stunts
Yan Lecomte... stunts
Scott Magee... stunts (as Scotty Magee)
Chris Mark... lead stunt double: Michael Cera
James Mark... stunts
Eli Martyr... stunts
Christopher McGuire... stunts (as Chris McGuire)
Andy Owen... key stunt rigger (as Andrew Owen)
Cheryl Quiacos... stunts
Paul Rapovski... stunt coordinator: Canada
Steve 'Shack' Shackleton... stunt rigger (as Steve Shackleton)
Alan Tang... stunts
Alicia Turner... stunts
Jennifer Vey... stunts
Damien Walters... stunts
Max White... stunts
Samantha Win... stunts (as Sam Tjhia)
Amy WY Wong... stunts (as Amy Wong)
Zhou Yang... stunts
Jia Yu... lead stunt double
Jamie James Yungblut... stunts (as Jamie Yungblood)
Peng Zhang... fight coordinator
Tim Dashwood... live action stunt/fight previz (uncredited)
Joey Kippax... stunt double (uncredited)
Chris Mark... stunt double: Satya Bhabha (uncredited)
James Mark... stunt double: Jason Schwartzman (uncredited)
Amy WY Wong... stunt double: Ellen Wong (uncredited)

Camera and Electrical Department

Keith Adams... grip
David Allan... electrician
Mongo Andrews... key rigging grip: reshoot
Max Armstrong... second assistant camera
Pierre Berube... rigging electrician
Vincent Borg... electrician
Sean Bourdeau... best boy grip
Dave Bouskill... rigging electrician
Russel Bowie... a camera
David Breeze... rigging electrician (as Dave Breeze)
Michael Carr... second assistant camera: 'b' camera
Robert Cochrane... dolly grip
Angelo Colavecchia... camera operator
Jean Courteau... chief lighting technician
Brad Crosbie... first assistant camera: second unit
Mark Cyre... first assistant camera: 'b' camera
Pete Daprato... rigging grip (as Peter Daprato)
Alex Dawes... set wireman: electrics
Christopher Dean... key grip: second unit
Byrd Dickens... best boy electric: second unit
Roy Elliston... key rigging grip
Richard Emerson... key grip (as Rico Emerson)
David Franco... director of photography: second unit / second unit dit
Michael Galbraith... chief lighting technician
Ben Gervais... camera operator: phantom camera
Mark Greenberg... grip
Duane Gullison... electrician
Michael L. Hall... best boy: electrician
Jason E. Hamilton... electrician (as Jason Hamilton)
Kerry Hayes... still photographer
Adrian Hodgson... grip
Jim Holmes... best boy grip: second unit
John Irwin... generator operator
Martin Lake... grip
Philip Lanthier... dolly grip: second unit
Richard D. Leko... daily grip
Ben Lichty... second assistant camera: second unit
Desiree Lidon... dimmer board operator
Anthony Macera... video assist operator: second unit
David McKane... camera loader: second unit
Edward Mikolic... gaffer: second unit
Sarah Mulholland... film loader
Anthony Nocera... digital video assist operator
David Orton... second assistant camera: second unit
Matthew Pill... rigging grip
Danny Piva... electrician
Andrew Read... lighting console programmer
Herb Reischl Jr.... rigging electrician (as Herb Reischl) / rigging electrician
Ron Renzetti... dolly grip
James R. Scott... electrician (as James Scott)
Tracy Shaw... best boy rigging grip
Steve Sheridan... rigging grip
Paul Spaven... best boy rigging electrician
Stephen Spurrell... rigging gaffer
Richard Teodorczyk... grip
Paul Thompson... video playback operator
Robert Vigus... grip
John Vrakking... rigging grip
Becky Weston... video playback operator
Jaclyn Young... second assistant camera
Raphael Boettger... daily rigging electric (uncredited)
Carly Brenner... camera trainee (uncredited)
Robyn Clarke... second assistant camera: dailies (uncredited)
Michael L. Hall... gaffer: additional photography (uncredited)
Jamie Hodgson... generator operator: second unit (uncredited)
Johnathan Holmes... camera loader: re-shoots (uncredited)
Marek Krawczyk... daily electrician (uncredited)
Brent Robinson... first assistant camera (uncredited)
Ronald Schlueter... video assist operator: second unit (uncredited)
Ken Wiebe... lighting board operator: second unit (uncredited)
Amanda Wojtaszek... second assistant camera: dailies (uncredited)

Animation Department

Stewart Ash... animator: Double Negative
David Beer... animator: Double Negative
Nicola Brodie... previs animator: Double Negative
Alice Dupré... animator (as Alice Dupre)
Shaun Escayg... animation supervisor: Blur Studio
Tadashi Fujita... animator: Double Negative
Patrick Giusiano... animator: Double Negative
Elizabeth Gray... animator: Double Negative
Jason Hendrich... animator
Scott Holmes... previs animator: Double Negative
Colin McEvoy... lead creative animator: Double Negative
Clare Williams... animator: Double Negative
Lindsey Zamplas... animation producer: Blur Studio
Noel Donnellon... animation co-producer (uncredited)
David Z. Obadiah... animation producer (uncredited)
Michael Stieber... character technical director: Blur Studio (uncredited)
Andrew White... animator (uncredited)

Casting Department

Emerald Goldsmith... casting assistant: Toronto
Ben Harris... casting associate: Los Angeles (as Benjamin Harris)
Zameret Kleiman... extras casting
Peter John Kousakis... casting assistant (as Peter Kousakis)
Millie Tom... casting associate: Toronto
Brendan Donnison... voice casting (uncredited)
Kumiko Hosokawa... casting associate (uncredited)

Costume and Wardrobe Department

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Game Playable Characters

Cori Burchell... costume supervisor
Patricia Hanley Cumming... on-set costume supervisor (as Pat Hanley-Cumming)
Nancy Da Silva... costume cutter / key seamstress
Isabel De Biasio... on-set costumer
Jay Du Boisson... assistant costume designer
Nancy Duggan... costume supervisor
Karen Eppstadt... key costume breakdown artist
Karen Lee... costume buyer
Trelawnie Mead... costume truck supervisor
Dóra Papp... costume production assistant (as Dora Papp)
Sara Schilt... costume buyer
Mia Sturup... extras costume supervisor
Cecilia Tachini... costume breakdown artist

Editorial Department

Juan Carlos Alvarez Vasquez... post-production coordinator
Chris Blacklock... dailies operator
Doug Caron... first assistant editor (as Douglas Caron)
Salvatore Catanzaro... additional on-line editor
Rob Duffield... apprentice editor
Rob Farris... digital intermediate producer
Emily Greenwood... digital intermediate on-line editor
Tom Harrison-Read... first assistant editor
Annie Johnson... digital intermediate producer (as Anne Johnson)
Laurence Johnson... second assistant editor
Nick Lear... pre-production editor
Nick Monton... digital intermediate producer
Gabrielle Nadeau... editorial production assistant
Stephen Nakamura... digital intermediate colorist
Brigitte Rabazo... first assistant editor
Ryan Ruskay... colorist: dailies
Patrick Malone... digital intermediate head of department (uncredited)
Rui Martins... hd telecine operator (uncredited)
Laurent Treherne... digital intermediate technical director (uncredited)

Location Management

David Blacker... location production assistant
James Blacker... assistant location manager
Dimas Freitas... location support coordinator
Rick Jang... location production assistant
Alex Makrygiannis... assistant location manager
Vince Nyuli... location manager
Drew Taylor... location production assistant
Drazen Baric... assistant location manager (uncredited)
Chris Moulson... assistant location manager: additional photography unit (uncredited)

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Game Characters 2017

Music Department

Niall Acott... score engineer
Beck... songs and lyrics by
Daniel Bhattacharya... violinist
Drew Btown... score assistant engineer
Marty Buttwinick... bass coach
David Campbell... arranger, orchestrator, conductor
Brendan Canning... musician
Peter Chapman... keyboards synth coach
Bobby Collins... music licensing
Gaz Coombes... musician
Carol Crabtree... score production coordinator
Charlie Drayton... drum coach
Kevin Drew... musician
Mike Filippov... music playback operator (as Mike Filipov)
Olga FitzRoy... score engineering assistant
Nigel Godrich... executive music producer / musician / score mixer / score recordist
Danny Goffey... musician
Jerry Goldsmith... composer: theme 'Universal Logo'
Tom Halstead... score engineering assistant
Andrea Higgins... music coordinator: Arpix Media
Skaila Kanga... musician: harp
Maurie W. Kaufmann... guitar coach (as Maurie Kaufmann)
Mike Knobloch... music executive
Kid Koala... musician
Libby Lavella... vocal coach
Brian LeBarton... music producer
Roger Linley... musician: double bass
Holland McRae... guitar coach
Adam Miller... score engineering assistant
Chris Murphy... music performance supervisor
Everton Nelson... orchestra leader
Kathy Nelson... music supervisor
John O'Mahony... music mixer
Tom Pigott Smith... musician: violin
Steven Price... composer: additional music (as Steve Price) / music editor (as Steve Price)
Carrie Ridley... score production coordinator
Gus Seyffert... musician
Travis Warner... coordinator
Joey Waronker... musician
Lucy Whalley... assistant orchestra contractor
Nick Wollage... score engineer
Christopher Frey... Japanese music producer (uncredited)
Bettie Ross... supervising music copyist (uncredited)

Transportation Department

Michael Corazza... transportation co-captain
William G. Heerebout... driver co-captain: second unit
Glenn Hughes... picture car captain
Shaun Magee... unit driver
Buddy McGrath... transportation captain
Greg McGrath... transportation captain: second unit
Bruce McLean... transportation coordinator
Orest W. Muz... transportation captain: second unit (as Orest Muz)
Regina Popp... daily driver (uncredited)

Other crew

Scott Pilgrim Girlfriend

Karen Beever... clearance coordinator
Hannah Bergstrom... runner/intern (as Hannah Boyce)
Sebastien Betsch... digital cinema supervisor
Litza Bixler... choreographer
Woody Brown... clearance coordinator
Ray Campisi... fitness trainer
Divya D'Souza... key set production assistant
Mathew Dale... Additional Key Production Assistant / additional key production assistant
Andrea Eisen... tutor
Cheryl Francis... assistant production coordinator
Wendy Gaboury... production accountant
Ian Gibson... production assistant
Karl 'Krash' Goldshmidt... tools sr. software engineer: Blur Studio
Nadia Guglieri... script supervisor: second unit
Jim Hajicosta... post production accountant
Marie-Claude Harnois... production coordinator
Jennifer Hoffmeister... assistant: Mr. Vasconcellos & Mr. Dale
Aaron Horton... travel coordinator
Alex Kontsalakis... payroll accountant
Nick Kontsalakis... first assistant accountant
Tori Larsen... production assistant
Joey Levy... assistant: Mr. Platt
Troy P. Liddell... choreographer (as Troy Liddell)
Jordana Lieberman... production secretary
Simone Lindo... assistant accountant
Susan Marucci... script supervisor (as Susie Marucci)
Nik Mavinkurve... assistant: Mr. Siegel
Tracy McCullough... on-set medic
Kyla McFeat... assistant accountant
Abdrew Medina... translator
Richard Morrison... end titles
Dan Mudford... documentarian
Shamu Naidu... accounting assistant
Jennifer Omoth... first assistant accountant
Diane Pitblado... dialect coach
Celia Richards... assistant: Ms. Park
Matthew Robitaille... craft server
Kevin Rosenberg... creative assistant: Mr. Platt
Erin Rowe... asset manager
William Schudlo... athletic therapist
Rob Seager... post production accountant
Lisa Shamata... unit publicist
Natasha Shumny... post facilities coordinator
Lee Thomas... multimedia consultant
Leo Thompson... assistant: Mr. Wright
Conor Welch... assistant: Mr. Platt
Claire Wihnyk... assistant: Mr. Leboff
Darleen Abbott... first assist accountant: additional photography (uncredited)
Sebastian Aguirre... daily set production assistant (uncredited)
Andrew P. Alderete... asset coordinator (uncredited)
Nuno Capitao de Salles... personal trainer (uncredited)
Matt Dunbar... stand-in (uncredited)
Jen Gillespie... rights clearances (uncredited)
Steve Holt... key paramedic (uncredited)
Timur Karamolla... post production runner (uncredited)
Kyle Limkilde... stand-in: Michael Cera (uncredited)
Margo Mars... title sequence producer (uncredited)
Cheryl Quiacos... assistant choreographer (uncredited)
Dave Sauro... daily production assistant (uncredited)
Dean Wares... typographer (uncredited)


J.J. Abrams... special thanks
Tamzin Cary... special thanks
Jackie Chan... special thanks
Joe Cornish... special thanks
Daniel Crow... thanks
Guillermo del Toro... special thanks
Chris Dickens... special thanks
Colin Geddes... special thanks
Chris Howard... in memory of
Garth Jennings... special thanks
Peter Kuplowsky... special thanks
Hope Larson... special thanks
Scott McCloud... special thanks
Bruce McDonald... special thanks
Don McKellar... special thanks
Greg Mottola... special thanks
Peter Serafinowicz... special thanks
Kevin Smith... special thanks
Peter Sollett... special thanks
Quentin Tarantino... special thanks