Battery Serial Number Lookup

In this video I show you how to find the manufacturing date of your automotive battery. The age of your battery is very important because even batteries that are well taken care of still degrade. (15) Battery (3-cell, 41-WHr, 3.6-AHr, Li-ion) 920070-855 Since the battery is internal there is really no way to make one with added cells for longer runtime since it would not fit in the limited space available. Serial Rating. Found 113,683 Serial Numbers. Your search for Battery Serial Number will produce better results if you simplify your keywords and exclude words like: serial, key, number, code, activation, keygen, crack, etc. If you still have trouble finding results for Battery Serial Number after simplifying your search term then we strongly.

Active1 year, 7 months ago

I understand that AC Delco encodes the month of manufacturing a car battery using two digits and encodes the year by one digit.

The battery I just purchased, for example, is labeled P124R, which, IIUC, means that it was made in December 2014.


I'm puzzled by this ambiguity regarding the decade of manufacture. How does a buyer rule out he's dealing with an exceptionally unscrupulous retailer who put on the market 10+ year-old stock? Just as importantly, how can a manufacturer of AC Delco's renown make the date this ambiguous? Is it, for instance, the case that a battery that has been sitting on a shelf for 11 years will be so unusable that it could not possibly be sold as a one year old battery?

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3 Answers

NOTE: Much of your question seems to be a rant, so I will answer the last part, which seems to have gone unanswered to this point.

According to the Battery University, a typical lead acid battery will lose about 5% of its charge every month (whether this means 5% of of the total charge when completely full - ie: 5%, 10%, 15%, etc, or 5% of the remaining charge - ie: 5% of 100%, 5% of 95%, 5% of 90.25%, etc, is unclear). This means if a battery sits on the shelf too long, it will need recharged after a period of time to be fully operable in a vehicle.

That is for a battery which is stored wet (with acid in the cells). A dry battery (one without an electrolyte) will maintain on the shelf indefinitely. Once the electrolyte is placed in the cells, the process begins.

There is another factor which will make a battery go bad. According to the same website:

With usage and age, however, the flooded lead acid builds up sludge in the sediment trap, which causes a soft short when this semi-conductive substance reaches the plates.

This can cause issues when the battery gets old. I assume it happens at a slower rate while on the shelf, but will still happen over time as it becomes aged.

What this means is, a battery with acid in the cells can only sit on the shelf for so long before it must be recycled or it will not work right. Have no fear, though, lead from batteries is one of the most recycled things we humans pull out of the ground. A battery which has sat on the shelf for too long, while it may not provide you good usage, will still be able to be exchanged for a new one under the normal battery warranty programs. I'm sure batteries are sold beyond their expiration dates, but they are also easily replaced.

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AC Delco's website addresses this:

How do I read the warranty date code on my battery?

The warranty date code is located on the top label of the battery. The first character iseither a P or S. The next two digits determine the month, the third digit is year and thefourth digit indicates the manufacturing plant. For example, P 094N means the batterywas made in September 2014.(

See the answer below for more information about battery life. Either way, the warranty period for your battery starts from the time of purchase.

David WinslowDavid Winslow

It pays to get a Solar brand battery tester which uses a conductance test to evaluate how many CCA is left in your battery. That way you can decide when it is time to let go of the battery.

David XuDavid Xu

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